Because Edinburgh is a relatively compact city, walking is actually the best way to see most of it. This is especially true in the city's Old Town, where narrow passages and alleys -- or in the local vernacular closes (pronounced "clo-zes") and vennels -- run off both sides of the main street, like ribs from a spine. You really owe it to yourself to wander down a few of them to appreciate the medieval feel of the Scottish capital. But beyond Old Town to the north is the classic Georgian-era New Town, and another part of the city that now has UNESCO World Heritage Site status. In a bit of contrast to Glasgow, the main tourist attractions of Edinburgh are also quite contiguous. The strolls below are not definitive. They are intended to offer, however, a good sample of the city's key districts. Aside from Walk 1, they are virtually circular, so that you end up near to where you began your walk. Walk 3 is the longest, includes a few hills, and should be done in segments if too strenuous. Always remember that traffic comes from the right as you cross streets, and it never hurts to look both ways -- twice.

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