Frommer's lists exact prices in the local currency. The currency conversions quoted above were correct at press time. However, rates fluctuate, so before departing consult a currency exchange website such as to check up-to-the-minute rates.

Beware of hidden credit card fees while traveling. Check with your credit or debit card issuer to see what fees, if any, will be charged for overseas transactions. Recent reform legislation in the U.S., for example, has curbed some exploitative lending practices. But many banks have responded by increasing fees in other areas, including fees for customers who use credit and debit cards while out of the country -- even if those charges were made in U.S. dollars. Fees can amount to 3% or more of the purchase price. Check with your bank before departing to avoid any surprise charges on your statement.

For help with currency conversions, tip calculations, and more, download Frommer's convenient Travel Tools app for your mobile device. Go to and click on the Travel Tools icon.

What Things Cost in California (US$)

Taxi from SFO or LAX to downtown $35-$40

Moderate hotel room, double occupancy $150-$200

Cup of coffee (Peets or Starbucks) $1.80

1 gallon of regular gas $3.25-$3.50

Admission to museums $10-$25

Glass of Napa Valley red wine $7-$15

Bus or streetcar fare for adults $2

Cable car fare $5

Fine for expired parking meter $35-$60

SuperShuttle from your hotel to SFO or LAX $17-$25

Dinner for one, without wine, expensive $45

Dinner for one, without wine, moderate $25

Dinner for one, without wine, inexpensive $12

Admission to most national parks $15-$25

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.