It’s surprising that these towering sea cliffs aren’t better known, because they’re almost three times the height of their far more feted southern cousins, the Cliffs of Moher, and arguably even more spectacular. Needless to say, given the remote location, they also get a tiny fraction of the visitors that the Cliffs of Moher attract. The Slieve League Cliffs Centre (; 074/973-9077) in Teelin, about 3km (1 2/3 miles) southwest of Carrick, is a friendly little visitor center, run by an archaeologist and an artist, with a very good cafe and a crafts store. At the main lookout point in Bunglass, there’s no snazzy visitor center, no handy parking, no guide ropes, and no admission fees—just the wild, ominous beauty of this rugged, far-flung outpost. If you really want to test yourself against the terrain, try the hike to the top of the cliff.